The Power of Music

The Power of Music

If you are looking for a way to inspire, empower or transform your mood and well-being - music has the power.

It Can Inspire & Empowers Us 

Music can also inspire us in many different ways especially with powerful words within the lyrics of songs. Strong lyrics create a story and has have the potential to inspire and heal whether it’s a song about love, lust, happiness, loss, hardships or life, there will always be people who can connect to the song in one way or another. 

Artists have a desire to engage their audience on an emotional level or allow you to bust out your best dance moves. A few of my favourites are Joni Mitchell, Eurythmics and Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Music Makes Us Move

Studies have shown that music boosts your frame of mind, eases off depression and lowers your stress-related hormones, like cortisol and eases pain. Listening to music while running can increase your energy levels and help you run further, faster and easier. 

Running is one of my favorite disciplines, once the ear-pods are in and my playlist of Queens of the Stone Age or Rage Against the Machine pumping, I find that matching my stride to a particular beat can help better regulate my pace.

It Has A Spiritual Vibe

Music has a unique ability to connect to our spiritual side and join people together and as a result, people are able to become uplifted, motivated and become closer to their truth. It can inspire to change the way you live and move forward in a better way, or simply relax and mediate.

All around the word, people bring together communities and friends to unite in their enjoyment of sound and this brings about change. What are some songs that inspire you?

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