The importance of ethically made products is paramount to Black Rebel Heart and what we stand for as a brand. As a Rock&Roll T-Shirt label, we are proud to support ethical manufacturing as we only produce tees that can withstand the rigorous touring life of a musical whore.

Your favourite Freddie Mercury, Courtney Love and Sid Vicious T-Shirt is made with organic cotton and will not fall apart at the seams after a few washes. A Black Rebel Heart T-Shirt lifespan will literally last you years - where you could get mauled into a pogo sticking mosh pit delirium; still lessen the harmful effects to the environment by reducing T-Shirt purchasing. But you may experience a severe bought of amnesia from the highly induced guitar riffing, metal barrage.

We aim to produce the highest quality at a reasonable cost, which is ethically made and manufactured using global organic textile organically grown without the use of herbicides or pesticides. They hold themselves and their factories to the highest ethical and environmental standards, ensuring quality is delivered to you with zero compromise. However, if you feel the need to rip or crop the tee to create your own style of wicked ‘cool’ – the tees will accommodate your sense of style by still holding form with an added unique edgy look and fearless bravado with a clear message: ‘I will NOT be fucked with’.

Our factories are proudly WRAP (Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production) certified. This independent, non-profit organisation sets and assesses conditions to ensure that goods are produced under lawful, humane, and ethical manufacturing conditions. 

You’ll be able to wear our designs to the best ROCK&ROLL shows year after year and our tees will endure the grittiest rebel-rousing, crowd surfing and thrashing crowds of bands including Body Count, Queens of the Stone Age and Tool.

An especially important note, we are putting the power in your hands as consumers to choose an ethical solution. We encourage you to think about the ethical, environmental, social, and sustainable impacts that you choose to support by purchasing the clothes you wear.

Take a stance on where your clothes really come from.  Be fearless, bold, and confident wearing your Kurt Cobain, Lou Reed T-Shirts, and the overall Black Rebel Heart designs for years to come with pride.

As a ROCK&ROLL rule, Black Rebel Herat encourages you to think about the ethical, environmental, social, and sustainable impacts that you choose to support by purchasing the clothes you wear. You have the power!

How will you shop responsibly and lessen the harmful effects on our environment?

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